(continued from Copy Supplier)

Product Database

Introduction to the Product Database

There are some simple rules to remember regarding setting up products . These rules not only apply to the Tourplan Product Database, but to travel industry pricing generally.

  1. There are only two types of pricing – Per Person or Per Group. (Even though accommodation is generally given by accommodation suppliers as ‘Per Room’, it is, in the final event, a per person price – i.e., ‘$nnn.nn Per Person Share Twin’. Tourplan translates pricing entered on a Per Room Basis to a Per Person Basis in the Quoting or Booking process).

    Per Person prices are exactly that – the price is in the Product Database as a price per person, and in a quotation or booking, these are added together to obtain the total cost per person. Examples of Per Person pricing are such things as Admission Fees, Meals, Seat in Coach Travel/Transfers, Flights (excluding Group Charters) etc.

    Group prices are those that are divided by the number of passengers to obtain a per person price. Examples are Coach Charter, Rental Vehicles etc.
  2. Every service has two ‘Charge Units’. This means that prices are charged ‘Per ?????’ Per ??????. An accommodation example is ‘Per Room’ ‘Per Night’. Any system – computer or manual – needs to know the number of rooms and number of nights. Similarly a Rental Vehicle could be ‘Per Car’ ‘Per Day’.

This data, along with rates, FOC policies, etc. are entered and maintained in the ‘Database’ module. The Database module has the flexibility to be able to cope with all types of service and product. Specific examples are covered in this Guide for:

  1. Adding a Service/Product – (Accommodation)
  2. Weekend Rates
  3. Minimum Stay
  4. Stay/Pay and Package Deals
  5. Apartment Rate Setup
  6. Different Buy/Sell Currencies
  7. Adding a Service/Product – Group Cost
  8. Transportation – Seat in Coach (SIC)
  9. Transportation – Rental Car
  10. Sightseeing – Entrance Fees
  11. Restaurant Meals (Separate from Accommodation)

Regardless of the type of service/product being entered, to access the Database Module, choose ‘Database’ from the main Tourplan menu and then click on the ‘Database’ icon.

NB: All rates and details depicted in this document are examples only and do not reflect any actual rates or conditions that may or may not be offered by any named supplier.

To create a new service/product, click on ‘Database’ on the Side Bar menu and then double click the ‘Database’ icon.

(continued in Adding a Service / Product (Accommodation))